Hi Was just thinking about the new box and thought I would just take a quick look at the new aspect and basic cards as a quick mini review, and maybe share some of my thoughts Fighting fit So a 2 cost deal 5 that can only go face is not great. Firstly when I look at cards like this I first try to look what else is available. In protect I don’t think there is a card like this so far, I think the closest thing is momentum shift, and that’s only because it deals damage. The closest basic that a protection card could play is haymaker which is only a deal 3 but can hit minions as well. The fact this only deals damage to the main villain makes it a very narrow card, and spending 2 to deal 5 doesn’t seem appealing to me. Protection is the beat down typically and so you will prob only have this and your hero specific card that deals damage and to be honest, ones enough for most decks. Ill be hard pressed to put this in any deck. Hard to ignore Now here ...