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Showing posts from March, 2021

Bonus time!

  Hi Was just thinking about the new box and thought I would just take a quick look at the new aspect and basic cards as a quick mini review, and maybe share some of my thoughts Fighting fit   So a 2 cost deal 5 that can only go face is not great. Firstly when I look at cards like this I first try to look what else is available. In protect I don’t think there is a card like this so far, I think the closest thing is momentum shift, and that’s only because it deals damage. The closest basic that a protection card could play is haymaker which is only a deal 3 but can hit minions as well. The fact this only deals damage to the main villain makes it a very narrow card, and spending 2 to deal 5 doesn’t seem appealing to me. Protection is the beat down typically and so you will prob only have this and your hero specific card that deals damage and to be honest, ones enough for most decks. Ill be hard pressed to put this in any deck.   Hard to ignore   Now here ...

Hit or miss?

Hi everyone! Check out these two side schemes    Is one more important to deal with than the other?   What about these two minions?   What factors should you consider when deciding to deal with it this turn? Should you even deal with it?   A lot of people when confronted with a scheme or minion will jump to first think what’s the best way to remove that from the board. But maybe the question should be what is it doing to the game state?   Check this out   Once this card has done its thing, what is the difference between this card and an advance token? What about his one? Is there a difference between this and playing on heroic 1 if you left it in play? How bad is that for you?   Well let’s try to thing about the factors that goes into answering these questions The first question for me would be what difficulty am I playing on? One extra threat a turn could be easy to manage if I’m on standard where I’m not expec...

Get it on the table!

  Hi me again Let’s talk about types of cards in champions and why you shouldn’t be afraid to put the cards out of the table. In marvel champions we have two types of cards that you play onto the table, “permanent” and “temporary” cards. Temporary are cards that stay for a while and then are discarded to be shuffled back into your deck and then are used again. Here are some examples of temporary cards. Most temporary cards seem to help manage the game in game in some way, either by removing threat or dealing damage. This can be in the form of removing side schemes, defeating minions or helping with the win/lose conditions of the game (threat on the main scheme or damage on the villain).  Permanent cards are cards that baring any affect from the villain, will stay in play for the rest of the game.  Here are some examples. Most permanent cards are cards that either allow you to play more cards in a turn or draw you more cards (which help you play more cards in...

Why you shouldn’t follow a Deck building guide for marvel champions (and then makes one anyway!)

  Hi! So you have just recently got into marvel champions and are looking for a deck building guide, well let me tell you right off the bat that I don’t think that is the best way to play marvel champions. PVP vs Co-op games  This game is not magic the gathering nor is it net runner or any of the other games that pit player vs player in a winner takes all game, in my opinion this game is about crazy turns, wacky builds and a great opportunity to explore deck building in general. The game is made for you to play The game is designed in ways that will help you build decks by being less punishing than other card games. Lets take a look at some now.         1) The resource “mana”  –  The way you pay for cards in this game makes it possible to play a wide selection of cards and then just “chuck” them if time isn’t right to play it. I think this is why a card such as access the situation is good. Is the card useful right now? If the an...