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Why you shouldn’t follow a Deck building guide for marvel champions (and then makes one anyway!)



So you have just recently got into marvel champions and are looking for a deck building guide, well let me tell you right off the bat that I don’t think that is the best way to play marvel champions.

PVP vs Co-op games 

This game is not magic the gathering nor is it net runner or any of the other games that pit player vs player in a winner takes all game, in my opinion this game is about crazy turns, wacky builds and a great opportunity to explore deck building in general.

The game is made for you to play

The game is designed in ways that will help you build decks by being less punishing than other card games.

Lets take a look at some now.

      1) The resource “mana” 

–  The way you pay for cards in this game makes it possible to play a wide selection of cards and then just “chuck” them if time isn’t right to play it. I think this is why a card such as access the situation is good.

Is the card useful right now? If the answer is yes look for a way to pay for it, if the answer is no then guess what you have yourself fuel to play the cards that are!


Check out this example: You are playing justice and your hand has turn the tide, but you have no way to thwart and remove all threat from a scheme.

 Well the card isn’t dead as you can use it to play a card that is useful instead. This leads to more narrow cards to become playable in decks.


     2.)    Cards themselves are rarely bad in this game. 

    Check out this card

Let’s be honest it’s not good.

But the interesting thing is the reason it’s not good (in my opinion) is only because “better” cards exist.

In leadership there are plenty of 4 cost allies that do more than this one, but what I think is cool about this game is that this card still functions, you can pay 4 for it, use its ability, block and it will have performed well enough for you to keep playing and win the game.


      3)  There is more than one player in the game (usually). 

      This allows you to get away again with not playing the most optimal cards in the game and still have fun.

      sure you’re the web-swinging card flinging AMAZING Spiderman who protects everyone with your web-ups and blocking for days and your having a great time, but the threat is piling up and you haven’t even scratched the villain yet (probably too busy quipping!) but don’t worry! Glare at your friends around the table until they get off their backside and do their cool thing, like you know, punch and stuff. Don’t worry if your basically not doing the best things every turn, just have fun and let your friends do all the heavy lifting.


     4 ) Look at the difficulty you are playing at. 

      If your deck isn’t crushing it at every turn of the game, play on a lower difficulty. If you want to be your favourite character and they just never feel like they have the cards to beat Klaw on heroic 3000 then don’t try to.

 Make the decks you want and if you win easily next time try on a harder setting, if you are getting crushed over and over, chill out, lower the game to standard and sit back as the villain puts no pressure on you to win any time this week.

  I think these facts about the game mean that there is wide scope to use interesting and unique cards that either fill a flavour role or narrow requirement and so does not punish you too hard for trying it out.

This should give you the freedom to play the cards you love, the themes you want and the cards you think are good so go explore and play and have fun this game is co-operative not competitive so its all about having a good time!


 And now the deck building guide.

Now having said all that there are a couple of starting ideas that might be useful to know when you start out so try to have them in mind if you want your deck to do more than fizzle out.

     1) Allies are great! 

      Check this out,


 not that impactful when you first look at her cost. One attack and 1 thwart, why is this good when haymaker does 3 damage for the same cost? Well the answer comes in the power that all allies have. The power to go under the bus!

  Allies are great as they basically “stun” the villain for a turn when you need them to. 

When you look at Clea as the sacrificial lamb that she is you can start to see that saving yourself from a beating every time you play an ally is a great way to stay in hero form for longer and not pile up that damage,  and the great thing is every ally can do this!

 You can yeet every single one into an unexpecting Ultron and be happy for ages as he struggles to get hold of your shirt from the crowd of plebs you threw in his way.

In this regard the more allies you play the more often you can save you and your friends from the ground and pound that was coming your way.


     2) Recourses  

         Double resources and cards that stay in play to give you more resources are good, but you don’t want too many that you have to post your hand in the Facebook group with an grumpy emoji next to it.


 (I’m not calling people out for this it’s annoying as hell when it happens, and it does happen, twas just for humour)

find a balance and pray to gods you don’t get locked out of a turn when you needed it the most.


     3) Build with an end game in mind. 

     Most decks you want to get to the point when you can start throwing your hero specific damage cards at face, preferably as many in a turn as possible, and if you find you are never getting to this point, then look at which cards are not helping you get to the point where you don’t have to worry about the minion/side scheme anymore as you can just race what the villain is trying to do.


I hope this helps and give you the confidence to play and try new things and have fun!

Until next time web heads


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