So I have played about with the new box set and oh boy is it
While I have been so far running my head into the brick wall
that is solo collector I have not gone past scenario 3 so far due to other commitments,
but My brother messaged me and asked if I wanted to do the campaign so lets do
There is one problem though, which hero do I use?
I was thinking out loud with him when this happened
Considering my first ever blog post (which is about playing
what you want and having fun) my first response to this was
“How dare you sir!”
Well now I have to tell you the story of what happened when I
tried this.
So when I first got my box, other people had spoke of the
beast that is the collector and how he was catching solo players like ash does Pokémon.
My first reaction was great:
Step 1 build black widow
Step two crush the collector with it first try
Step 3 write an article that shows that even with the
toughest character for the scenario, it’s still do-able and fun
Part of me still
wants to try this and get the job done as black widow is one of my favorite
heroes in the game, but the limit on 5 cards in the collection is a tough one
to do when all the cards you want to play end up there.
So now I have a few ideas about what's great to play vs him. the side scheme is rough and needs to go quickly and the damn ghosts get me every time so maybe borrowing from here
David Sutcliffe thanks for the help!
So maybe you do need to play a A+ hero, but I’m still not convinced.
Maybe they bring a lot of cool cards and are more powerful, but I
still think the other heroes should be able to win and they will as more cards and better deck building will line up with these villain's in mind.
Most solo players (and non-solo) have beating the game with
every hero and I don’t think that this will never be solved, its just a new
puzzle that people are working out and every game I get more info on how to
beat it.
This leads me to the point of the article
Which hero to play??
Part of me still wants to do Thor, other heroes I like is
black widow (as stated above), Ant-man and Hawkeye.
I really enjoy playing all the other heroes too really and there are the
new ones to play and explore more too,
So help me out which hero/aspect should I play?
So I go with raw power or try to make a new deck?
What heroes did you all pick? Do you have go to heroes or
one deck that you tinker with, or do you just look at the top decks and play
one of them?
Should I focus on a game plan for this campaign or should I focus
on the hero doing its thing well?
Give me help and ill report on our experience as we play.
Thanks and until next time!
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