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The new guardians of the Galaxy



so last week I asked about what deck should I bring to play the new expert campaign.

My brother settled on Cap justice early but I still wasn't sure what to play.

I finally picked Ant-man as i think he is lots of fun but also powerful. and a choice of two decks that i had made.

I liked this version, it has a lot going for it. But we decided to try this instead.

I like the allies in this although there are a few. Both two drops can be use to block and not go into the collection and the stun effects are quite strong. Ant man doesn't have to attack or thwart to be effective as cards like army of ants hivemind can help on the turn you have to do blocking duty. Perseverance is great for ant man, switching from hero form to his other hero form is something you want to be doing anyway so its easy to have a 1 cost tough on your hero freeing you up for turns to attack or thwart as the situation needs. 

so far it has been working well. 

first mission was Drang and the Badoon.

we managed the threat well, took out the spear and dealt with the minions nicely. Cap really helps being a jack of all trades master of none and can adapt between thwarting, shield block and toss to switch between damage and blocking. After a couple of rough parts we turned the corner and beat him without too much effort, getting maximum credits for the mission and both on full health.

These credits were spent on the ship upgrade cards that remove threat and deal damage. I think these are generally considered some of the best cards to pick early. If any have any others they like to get, feel free to share.

next up was the collector.

Our first attempt was going well, we have dealt with the side scheme on the first turn and had the collection down and threat at a good level. things were going great, we avoided any early ghosts, sharks and other large minions, there wasn't much in the way of side schemes and we strolled to stage 3. But all it takes is one bad turn. 

Very quickly the tables were turned, the pressure piled up and all those cards we had done so well to avoid came thick and fast. The race was on, we had limited time to deal damage and get the mission done with asap, shields were thrown, ants in space were plenty (I must of brought them with me?), strikes were heroic and we had him at low life, all we needed was one turn and it was done.

We didn't get that turn.

Added comments from my brother "The collector was a great game. We had the damage to defeat him the next round. After weighing out options knowing we had to avoid Advance from 4 cards, we decided to play aggressive rather than try to fix a losing board state. Collector attacks Cap, pulls the one boost card in his deck that grants an additional boost and defeats a 7 hit point Cap because of the amplify he had on the table. Then Cap’s Ghost piles on Ant-Man with the Ghost already present for game." we were so close, we had done so well it was so near and yet so far. Maybe I had a few too many passive turns. maybe we didn't get enough set up, who knows, but we do know is we will be back and next time we get it done.

until next time, thanks for reading!


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