Hi everyone! Check out these two side schemes Is one more important to deal with than the other? What about these two minions? What factors should you consider when deciding to deal with it this turn? Should you even deal with it? A lot of people when confronted with a scheme or minion will jump to first think what’s the best way to remove that from the board. But maybe the question should be what is it doing to the game state? Check this out Once this card has done its thing, what is the difference between this card and an advance token? What about his one? Is there a difference between this and playing on heroic 1 if you left it in play? How bad is that for you? Well let’s try to thing about the factors that goes into answering these questions The first question for me would be what difficulty am I playing on? One extra threat a turn could be easy to manage if I’m on standard where I’m not expec...
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