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The Galaxys Most Wanted Issue #1

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Changing up campaigns

Hi hi Me and my friend decided to go back and play the rise of red skull.  We really wanted to focus on flavour and have a good time rather than making it super difficult or what ever, and it has been really fun and refreshing to go back and play more of the older cards. We decided on playing the spies vs hydra's forces, me with Black Widow and him with Jessica Drew. here are the lists we used out of interest, they are nothing ground breaking but they were  fun. With more runs through im sure we could improve these lists but they were good enough for what we needed.  The twist we did to the campaign was simple we used the Captain America Encounter set as an extra set that went in every scenario. This added more minions that were not out of place and just changed the missions up enough that made it a new experience. at any moment hit squad or Zemo could deal you damage and that put some new tension into a game that otherwise seems very familiar by now. You could of course ...

My big issues with Champions

 Hi So this is the story about how I felt like I had to apologize for playing marvel champions.  I have a friend that I play Arkham horror with on a regular basis.  We had a little gap between campaigns that I felt was a perfect spot to introduce him to marvel champions. Oh boy. The first week we played vs Kang and started off well, but my god does Kang drag on!  we spent ages and ages (in different ages) fighting his stage one, but once we had finally beat that stage we put out the split stage and both of were starting to think the game had outstayed its welcome.  The thought of having to beat two more stages was daunting and it was already getting late.  We decided to continue with the game and was surprised to find that actually we defeated the other two stages in 4 turns, phew! was my fist thought, but we we started to talk about the game, and the weird that feeling was beating his other stages in so few turns. We discussed about how this is backwards t...

The greatest protector

Hi   It's been a while since my last post but I thought you should check out this latest Spiderman build I have because I think its real fun! Let's check out the deck list first ok so what's the idea behind the deck? so the idea is being attacked is not that bad for you, and in fact a lot of the time its quite good!  every time the villain attacks you you get to draw a card. this helps in a couple of ways.  1) Resources.  Having an extra card means more stuff to play on your own turn and outside of the couple      of 4 cost cards, most of the deck is cheap leading to more turns where you can play two things in a   turn. 2)  It helps get past the bad draws.  every time you draw you are less likely to have the turns where you have all defensive tricks and nothing to do with them. drawing into one more card can help you set up. next is this card now its no surprise tha...

The new guardians of the Galaxy

   Hey so last week I asked about what deck should I bring to play the new expert campaign. My brother settled on Cap justice early but I still wasn't sure what to play. I finally picked Ant-man as i think he is lots of fun but also powerful. and a choice of two decks that i had made. I liked this version, it has a lot going for it. But we decided to try this instead. I like the allies in this although there are a few. Both two drops can be use to block and not go into the collection and the stun effects are quite strong. Ant man doesn't have to attack or thwart to be effective as cards like army of ants hivemind can help on the turn you have to do blocking duty. Perseverance is great for ant man, switching from hero form to his other hero form is something you want to be doing anyway so its easy to have a 1 cost tough on your hero freeing you up for turns to attack or thwart as the situation needs.  so far it has been working well.  first mission was Drang and the B...

Going to protect the Galaxy!

  Hey So I have played about with the new box set and oh boy is it fun. While I have been so far running my head into the brick wall that is solo collector I have not gone past scenario 3 so far due to other commitments, but My brother messaged me and asked if I wanted to do the campaign so lets do this There is one problem though, which hero do I use? I was thinking out loud with him when this happened   Considering my first ever blog post (which is about playing what you want and having fun) my first response to this was “How dare you sir!” Well now I have to tell you the story of what happened when I tried this. So when I first got my box, other people had spoke of the beast that is the collector and how he was catching solo players like ash does Pokémon. My first reaction was great: Step 1 build black widow Step two crush the collector with it first try Step 3 write an article that shows that even with the toughest character for the scenario, it...


  Hey  So my copy of galaxies most wanted came the other day and I was super excited to play it. My kid wanted to be Groot and I so was set on being this guy I thought I would share my deck building so far so maybe some people could get some insights into how I build decks in this game. Disclaimer I don't actually own all the cards so if you ever look at my list and go but why has he not added x? well now you know. ok now to the first build ok so check out version 1 Firstly I wanted so check out some of the new cards so I started with hand cannon, bug, looking for trouble and thruster boots. I found hand cannon to be good but not great, a large part of that was because in our particular set up for the games I have to do the main part of thwarting and so I found myself having a plan more often than attacking. Rocket also has great tech cards by themselves and so I found I wanted his set ups more than the big attack. this also meant that mean swing was not at its best here eithe...